Keshampet ZPTC Tandra Vishala Shravan Reddy took part in the Bodrai and MaisammaBonalu festival in Rangareddy. The festival was held in Kakunur and VemulNarva villages. Local residents came to pay homage and seek divine blessings. Keshampet ZPTC Tandra Vishala Shravan Reddy conducted a special pooja during the celebrations.
Keshampet ZPTC Tandra Vishala Shravan Reddy spoke about the cultural value of the festival. She said that it unites communities, celebrates traditions, and shows devotion. Vice MPP Anuradha Parvath Reddy, Kakunur Village Sarpanch GandraLakshmamma, VemulNarva Village Sarpanch Katike Manjula Mallesh, MPTC Manjula Rajasekhar, Deputy Sarpanch Gandla Jyoti, and many villagers attended the festival.