The Wrestling Federation of India chief, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, is being investigated for sexual harassment. The Delhi Police will submit a report to court on the status of the investigation. Singh has stated that he will hang himself if even one allegation is proved true. The police had previously stated that they had not found enough evidence to support the allegations made by female wrestlers. However, the Delhi Police clarified on Twitter that the investigation is still ongoing and sensitive. The status reports will be filed before the court regarding the investigation in the said cases. It would be against the procedure to say anything before the report is filed in the court. The wrestlers who were protesting at Jantar Mantar were removed by the police on Sunday. The protestors were demanding the arrest of Singh. Singh, addressing a programme in Uttar Pradesh’s Barabanki, said that he will hang himself even if a single allegation is proved against him.
The consideration of the case against WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh.
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