The BJP leader Nelli Srivardhan Reddy spoke at a meeting in Keshampet on Tuesday. He praised the central government for their efforts to improve the lives of the poor, including providing gas cylinders, toilets, and connections. He also criticized the state government for not fulfilling their promises, accusing them of corruption and family politics.
Reddy announced a program called Maha Sampark Abhiyan that will take place from May 30 to June 30. The program aims to engage with the public and discuss welfare funds provided by the central government while exposing corruption within the state government. Reddy urged people to participate and vote for the BJP in upcoming elections.
Several BJP leaders attended the meeting, including Allam Pratap Reddy, Jai Pal Reddy, Srikanth, Venkateswar G, Mahesh, Vignesh, Venugopal, Pandu Ranga Reddy, Raghavender, Koti, Sai Prasad, and Srikanth Reddy.