The Delhi High Court rejected Manish Sisodia’s bail plea in the 2021-22 excise policy case investigated by the CBI. The AAP will now go to the Supreme Court. Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma announced the order on May 11 and stated that the nature of the allegations shows that the excise policy was created with a malicious intent to benefit the South Group unfairly. The judge said that Sisodia, who was a public servant, was holding a high position and his conduct suggests misconduct. The judge also stated that Sisodia could influence witnesses, who are also public servants, and denied him bail.
Sisodia challenged the high court Special Judge M. K. Nagpal’s order denying him bail on March 31. Judge Nagpal of Rouse Avenue Court had held that Sisodia played a significant role in the criminal conspiracy related to the alleged Delhi Excise Policy case.