The Minister for Minorities Welfare, Koppula Eshwar, led a meeting at Haj House in Hyderabad to plan for the Haj camp in 2023. The government wants to help the Haj pilgrims in any way possible. The Advisor to the government, Minorities Welfare, A K Khan, asked for cooperation from all departments to make the Haj Camp a success. He also asked Vistara Airlines to ensure that all Haj flights are on time and that the pilgrims have everything they need. About 7,000 pilgrims will go from Hyderabad to Jeddah for Hajj in 2023.
The Chairman of TS Haj Committee, Md Saleem, said that the Chief Minister wants to make sure that the Haj pilgrims have a comfortable journey. He also confirmed that the second waiting list, numbers 828 to 984, have been confirmed. Officials from many departments attended the meeting, including Telangana State Waqf Board, GMR, Customs, Immigration, CISF, BCAS, Vistara Airlines, IPM, Princess Esra Hospital, Fire Service, RTC, PWD, GHMC, BSNL, Police and Traffic Police.