The Telangana Gig and Platforms Workers Union (TGPWU) has asked the government to provide social security benefits like life insurance, personal accident insurance, and health insurance for gig workers in Hyderabad. This follows an incident where an Amazon delivery man was attacked by a dog and had to jump from the 3rd floor, causing injuries that cost around Rs 3.7 lakh to treat. The TGPWU is demanding that the dog owner pay for the treatment.
The TGPWU president, Shaik Salauddin, said that other incidents of dog attacks on delivery persons have been reported in recent months, but neither the owners nor the government have helped the workers. He added that gig workers have been increasing in the city, but there are no social security or other provisions for them. The platforms lack government laws, and demands of the workers have not been fulfilled.
Although the MAUD Minister K T Rama Rao promised to protect the livelihoods of gig workers, nothing has been done so far. The TGPWU has urged dog owners to tie up their pets when delivery agents come to deliver and has asked the GHMC Mayor and GHMC commissioner to mandate notice boards regarding pets and take action if any dog attack incident occurs.
The union also demanded that Amazon pay Mohammed Ilyas, who was injured during duty hours and will not be able to return to work immediately. They suggest that Amazon should make a policy for such incidents.