The family of Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, the founder of the Telugu Desam Party and former chief minister, paid their respects to him at NTR Ghat in Hyderabad on his birth centenary. NTR’s son, Nandamuri Balakrishna, grandson, junior NTR, Nandamuri Ramakrishna, actor Rajendra Prasad, and others were present at the ceremony.
Balakrishna spoke to the media and shared that NTR’s birth centenary is being celebrated around the world, and that NTR founded TDP to help the people of Telugu. He brought the party to power and introduced welfare schemes like the Rs 2 per kg rice scheme, which has become food security today. NTR also played a crucial role in national politics, and Balakrishna feels lucky to be his son.
Rajendra Prasad expressed his happiness that tributes are being paid to NTR across the world. He remembered that NTR would get angry if anyone brought up caste in front of him. Rajendra Prasad considers NTR his guru and god, and he thinks of people as gods too. He said if NTR was alive today, he would have performed pada puja for him with golden leaves. It is our responsibility to convey NTR’s greatness to future generations, he added.