The family members of Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, who founded the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), paid tribute to him at NTR Ghat in Hyderabad on his birth centenary. Among those who paid their respects were NTR’s son and TDP MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna, his grandson Junior NTR, actor Rajendra Prasad, and others. Balakrishna spoke to the media and said that NTR started the TDP to help the Telugu people and introduced many welfare schemes, including the Rs 2 per kg rice scheme. Rajendra Prasad praised NTR’s character and recalled how he never wanted anyone to bring up the topic of castes before him.
NTR’s Birth Centenary Celebrations
Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao’s family members paid tribute to him on his birth centenary at NTR Ghat in Hyderabad. Balakrishna, Nandamuri Ramakrishna, Junior NTR, Rajendra Prasad, and others were present to pay their respects. Balakrishna spoke about NTR’s contribution to the Telugu people and his role in national politics. Rajendra Prasad praised NTR’s character and recalled his stance on the caste issue.