On Saturday, BRS President K Chandrasekhar Rao, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann held a joint press conference in Hyderabad. KCR criticised the ordinance that was issued to nullify the Supreme Court’s order that granted control of services in Delhi to the Delhi government, calling it an insult to the people of Delhi. He said they would not hesitate to stall the proceedings of Parliament to demand the withdrawal of the ordinance if necessary. KCR also accused the Modi government of harassing non-BJP state governments by stopping the release of Central funds and misusing the office of the Governor. Kejriwal thanked KCR for his support and said their fight was not just for Delhi but for the entire country and for saving democracy. Bhagwant Mann also spoke about the AAP government in Punjab having to go to the Supreme Court when the governor refused to call the budget session.
KCR demands withdrawal of Delhi ordinance
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