The Chief Minister of Hyderabad, K Chandrashekar Rao, claimed that the Centre is preventing the Delhi government from functioning and demanded the withdrawal of an ordinance. He compared the current situation to the darker days of emergency. KCR also accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of being a ‘Mafi ke Saudagar’ and urged him to withdraw the ordinance as he did with the Farm laws.
Delhi Chief Minister, Kejriwal, stated that he cannot transfer the health secretary as a Chief Minister of Delhi. After an eight-year legal fight, the people of Delhi received justice, but within eight days, the Centre issued an ordinance against the judgement. Kejriwal criticized the PM for using an ordinance to change the verdict of the Supreme Court in a democratic country. He accused the Centre of using tactics like breaking parties, using investigation agencies to terrorize or using the office of governors to bring down elected governments.
Kejriwal claimed that they are fighting against dictatorship. The BJP does not have a majority in the Rajya Sabha, and they are gathering support in the country. If the ordinance is stopped in Rajya Sabha, the BJP government will fall in 2024.