Union Minister G Kishan Reddy announced that a Mega Job Mela will be held on June 3 and 4 in Hyderabad, in collaboration with the Central government. He emphasized the need for skilled youth in the country, as foreign countries are hiring them. He also mentioned the increasing job opportunities in Hyderabad and the North-Eastern States.
Reddy stated that Srinagar has many food processing units, but local youth lack the necessary skills to work in them. He said that 220 private institutions will participate in the job mela, and they plan to train youth to work in new hotels and hospitality companies.
To attend the job mela, applicants must register first. If they are not selected by companies, the Central government will provide skill training to help them find jobs. Reddy urged unemployed youth to attend the event and bring their education and experience certificates.
Finally, Reddy mentioned that Secunderabad parliamentary constituency has 16 skill development centers, which they plan to expand in the future.