A trainee head constable in Hyderabad died of a heart attack while undergoing training at the Police Training College in Karimnagar district. The constable, Ranu Singh, complained of chest pains and collapsed suddenly. He was rushed to a private hospital but passed away the following day. This is not the first incident of sudden death in Telugu states. Recently, a 38-year-old man died while playing badminton at an indoor stadium in Lalapet. Another man suffered a heart attack while exercising, and a constable died while doing gym. A youth died of a heart attack while dancing at a wedding reception. A man from Telangana died of a heart attack at a Saudi airport just before his scheduled flight to India. A TSRTC bus conductor also died of a heart attack while on duty, allegedly due to harassment by higher officials.
Karimnagar Trainee Constable Passes Away Due to Heart Attack
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