On Friday, the Special Operation Team of Rajendranagar police arrested eight people who were selling fake seeds. The SOT raided Balanagar and Rajendranagar locations based on credible information and recovered around 2.5 quintals of fake seeds that were being sold to farmers under the brand name Pavani. The eight members have been taken into custody, and an investigation has begun after a case was registered against them.
On May 20, State Home Minister Mohammad Mahmood Ali held a video conference with police officers of all districts at Dr. BR Ambedkar Secretariat. During the conference, he spoke about the menace of spurious seeds and how some people were trying to sell fake seeds while farmers were preparing for the ensuing Kharif season. He urged police officers to gather information in coordination with the state Agriculture Department and intelligence personnel and take strict action against sellers of adulterated seeds.
The Home Minister emphasized the need to protect farmers from being affected by spurious seed sellers. He mentioned that Telangana Police Department had achieved many successes and gained recognition across the country and urged police officers to act strictly in this regard.
After the formation of Telangana state, there have been 986 cases registered against the sale of fake seeds. In connection with these cases, 1938 accused were arrested, and PD Act was booked against 58 people. The Home Minister said that continuous vigilance is necessary to completely stop the sellers of fake seeds.
State DGP Anjani Kumar explained that even though this type of crime is decreasing due to measures taken by the police officers, they should take the initiative to root out the spurious seed menace completely. He gave necessary instructions to SPs and Commissioners of the districts.
In conclusion, it is essential to take strict action against those who sell fake seeds to protect the farmers and strengthen the farming sector in the state.