The Industries Minister of Telangana, KT Rama Rao, recently visited the UK and the USA. During his visit, many global companies announced their investment and expansion plans in Telangana. This will create around 42,000 direct jobs and each job has the potential to create three to four indirect jobs. The investments will span across various sectors like banking, IT, aerospace, lifesciences, digital solutions, and more. This reaffirmed Telangana’s position as a global investment hotspot.
Some of the big announcements include Warner Bros., Disney, Medtronic, State Street, and London Stock Exchange Group. Other companies like DAZN, Technip FMC, Alliant Group, Stem Cures, Mondee, and ZapCom Group also announced their investments. The minister also participated in major conferences and roundtables where he spoke about the remarkable progress of Telangana in the last nine years and how it can be an ideal gateway for investors choosing India as their destination.
The highlight of the tour was the government’s vision to spread IT across Telangana and to invest in Tier-II cities. The minister also thanked NRIs and Indian diaspora for their support and love to his team for making the trip a big success.