On Wednesday, Congress workers in Bhongir blocked the collectorate road and protested against the government’s treatment of farmers when selling their grain. The protest caused traffic to come to a standstill on the road. The Congress members chanted anti-government slogans but were prevented from entering the Collector’s office by the police. There was a scuffle between the police and Congress members. Later, a group of Congress representatives, led by DCC President Kumbham Anil Kumar Reddy and former MLA Kududula Nagesh, met with Collector Pamela Satpathy and submitted a memorandum addressing the issues faced by farmers at purchase centres.
During the meeting, Reddy stated that farmers were not able to sell their grain even after several days at purchase centres because officials were not buying it. He also claimed that officials were exploiting farmers by reducing the quantity of grain in the name of moisture. People from various mandals like Aleru, Bhuvanagiri, Pochampally, Valigonda, Yadagirigutta, Bibinagar, and Turkapally supported the protest.