On Tuesday, District Collector VP Gautham had a meeting with officials in Khammam. He talked about the Mana Ooru – Mana Badi programme and said that school development projects should be completed quickly. Gautham also said that renovations should be finished before schools reopen.
During the meeting, Gautham reviewed the progress of the development works with officials from the Education and Engineering departments. He emphasized that all the work should be finished before schools reopen. He said that 104 schools have already finished their work, 17 schools are under construction, and another 57 schools are getting ready to open.
Gautham also said that 414 schools have received green chalkboards. The remaining schools have received dual desks, green chalkboard repairs, more classrooms, compound walls, toilets, and electrification.
To ensure that kids get textbooks and uniforms by the start of the academic year, Gautham said that Education officials should take early steps. He also emphasized that Mandal Education Officers should visit every school in their jurisdiction and be familiar with the whereabouts of uniforms and textbooks.