The BJP is holding a meeting in Delhi to discuss how to win in the 19 SC reserved assembly constituencies in Telangana. They are focusing on these constituencies for the upcoming Assembly elections and have summoned heads of the party’s SC Morchas from various states. National SC Morcha president Lal Singh Arya is leading the meeting and will be joined by senior leader BL Santosh. The leaders are discussing the constituency-wise strength of the party compared to other parties in each area. The SC Morcha national secretary S Kumar and State SC Morcha president Koppu Bhasha from Telangana are presenting the status report to the party leadership. Currently, the BJP has a majority in many SC constituencies including Chennur, Bellampalli, Jukkal, Dharmapuri, Choppadandi, Manakondur, Zaheerabad, and Andole.
BJP to concentrate on State’s SC constituencies in Hyderabad
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