Supporters of YSRCP MP YS Avinash Reddy gathered outside a hospital in Andhra Pradesh amid rumours of his imminent arrest in connection to the murder case of former MP YS Vivekananda. The Supreme Court has directed the Telangana High Court to place Avinash’s anticipatory bail plea before the vacation bench on May 25. The court was not satisfied with the high court’s delay in passing an order after the apex court’s order. The bench will not go into the merits of the case, and all parties will be heard before necessary orders are passed by the vacation bench.
Senior advocate V Giri, representing Avinash, argued that the anticipatory bail plea was taken up by the high court on two dates and emphasised that an order should have been passed. The bench noted that notices were issued from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) multiple times but Avinash did not appear before the agency. Senior advocate Sidharth Luthra, representing Suneetha Reddy, said that Avinash created a law and order situation after his supporters gathered in large numbers outside a hospital in Kurnool.
The Supreme Court had previously set aside the Telangana High Court’s order, which directed the CBI to provide a written questionnaire in advance to Avinash. The top court had declined to entertain submissions that Avinash should be protected from arrest for at least 24 hours as the anticipatory bail plea was listed for hearing before the high court on April 25.