Before the IPL 2023 Qualifier 1 match between Gujarat and Chennai, Hardik Pandya paid tribute to former India skipper MS Dhoni. Hardik has always shown respect and admiration for Dhoni and claimed that he will always be a fan of the CSK captain. He even said that you need to be a devil to hate someone like Dhoni. The match is expected to be a full house at Chepauk, with Chennai having immense support, but Dhoni will be aiming to break the Titans’ three-game winning streak against them.
Probable playing XIs for both teams are:
Gujarat Titans: Shubman Gill, Saha, Vijay Shankar, Hardik Pandya, David Miller, Rahul Tewatia, Rashid Khan, Shami, Noor Ahmed, Yash Dayal, Mohit Sharma
Chennai Super Kings: Conway, Gaikwad, Rahane, Dube, Rayudu, Jadeja, Dhoni, Chahar, Theekshana, Pathirana, Deshpande.