Another delivery man in Hyderabad was attacked by a pet dog while trying to deliver a mattress in the Panchavati Colony area. The Amazon delivery man jumped from the third floor of the building to escape the dog and was taken to the hospital with severe injuries. This incident is part of a rising trend of delivery men being attacked by pet dogs in the city.
In a similar incident on January 23, a food delivery boy was chased by a German Shepherd while trying to deliver food to a family on the third floor of an apartment building in Yousufguda. The boy jumped from the building to escape and later died from his injuries. The police have booked a case against the owner of the dog and are investigating.
The victim’s family members gathered at the Banjara Hills police station demanding action against the owner of the pet. Delivery men in Hyderabad are facing increasing danger from pet dogs, and it is important for pet owners to keep their dogs on a leash and under control to prevent such incidents from happening.