Transport Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar opened a new place called The K Street in Khammam on Sunday. The K Street is a one-stop place for gaming and eating. It is located near Sri Sri Circle on Wyra Road and beside Indian Oil Petrol Bunk. The minister said that he was happy about the new facility and that it would be a huge boon for the people in Khammam.
The Managing Director of The K Street, N S Madhavan, said that the place is spread out in a large area. It offers a Mandi Restaurant, a park, games space, 3-D games, and box cricket. The K Street is an excellent experience for everyone who visits.
Many important people were present at the opening. The Khammam Mayor, Punukollu Neeraja, SUDA chairman B Vijay Kumar, DCCB chairman K Nagabhushaiah, Agriculture Market Yard chairman Dorepally Shwetha, and deputy mayor Shaik Fathima Zohra were among them.