A new train from Mahbubnagar to Vishakhapatnam was flagged off by Union Minister for Tourism G Kishan Reddy on Saturday. The Sports Minister V. Srinivas Goud and other senior Railway officials were also present. The aim of the new train is to provide easy rail connectivity for the people of Palamuru, allowing them to visit various places in northern Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The Central government recently completed railway doubling works between Hyderabad and Mahbubnagar and plans to modernize the Secunderabad Railway Station.
The Union Minister assured that he will ask the Railway Minister to stop the Kachiguda-Yeswantapur Karnataka Sanpark Kranti Express at Mahabubnagar Railway Station and take steps to halt the Changalpattu-Kachiguda train at Shadnagar Railway Station. The MMTS services have already been extended to Shamshabad International airport and will soon be extended to other places connecting various places from Hyderabad.
The Railway department provided free Wi-Fi connectivity at Mahabubnagar Railway Station for better digital connectivity. The Central government developed various national highways in Mahbubnagar and is taking up various NH development works in the district to connect different places. More than 1,000 kilometres of railway line has to be laid in Telangana state and if the state government completes the land acquisition process, soon, the works will be taken up.
The Sports Minister requested the Union Minister to give national status to the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy lift scheme and sought funds from the central Tourism department to improve the scope of tourism in Mahbubnagar.