Union Dairy and Fisheries Minister Purushottam Rupala attended a meeting of key leaders of Lok Sabha Prawas Yojana in Godavarikhani, Peddapalli district on Saturday. He spoke about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision to make India a world leader and praised the BJP government’s efforts in developing the country during their 9-year rule. Rupala also commended the government for prioritizing the agriculture sector and providing assistance to farmers.
He highlighted India’s success in controlling diseases, including the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to 70 countries. The government has also allocated funds for village development through the Sarpanch level. Rupala emphasized the importance of creating awareness about central government schemes at the village level.
Former MP and BJP national executive member Vivek Venkataswamy called for an end to the tyrannical rule of CM KCR in Telangana State. He praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s initiatives, including providing ration rice to 80 crore people, funding directly to gram panchayats and Rs. 500 in women’s bank accounts for 24 months. Venkataswamy also criticized the current state government for its involvement in scams and illegal businesses.
Former MLA Somarapu Satyanarayana, State Chief Secretary Duggyala Pradeep Kumar, District Presidents RavulaRajender, Parliament Convener P Mallikarjun, Assembly Convener Pidugu Krishna, Shakti Kendra and Booth Kendra incharges were among those who participated in the meeting.