Imran Khan, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, stopped law enforcement authorities from entering his house in Zaman Park. The Punjab government wanted to arrest “terrorists” inside his house, but Imran Khan argued that they were only looking for “wanted” people. The authorities wanted to search Imran Khan’s house, but he insisted that they follow the Lahore High Court’s order of having three people, one government personnel, one person from his side, and a lady officer search the house. Imran Khan feared that the authorities would plant “people or material” inside his house during the raids.
Punjab minister Amir Mir said that Imran Khan was only willing to let four people inside his house, even though the government showed him a list of 2,200 people. Imran Khan repeatedly questioned why they were insisting on searching his house if they were looking for terrorists. He proposed that if the authorities presented evidence proving the involvement of his party members in the arson attacks, PTI would assist in apprehending them. He criticized the authorities, alleging that they were using the crackdown as a means to eradicate the party. He asserted his determination, stating that he “will play till the last ball”.