Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida in Hiroshima on Saturday. They discussed ways to enhance friendship between the two countries in areas such as trade, economy, and culture. Modi is on a three-nation trip to Japan, Papua New Guinea, and Australia and is expected to attend over 40 engagements.
Modi arrived in Hiroshima on the first leg of his trip to attend the annual summit of the G7 grouping and the third in-person Quad leaders’ meeting. He will engage with world leaders on global challenges and discuss ways to address them collectively. The G-7 bloc comprises Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, and Italy, as well as the European Union.
Modi is also expected to hold bilateral meetings with some of the world leaders attending the Hiroshima G7 Summit. He is set to hold talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the sidelines of the G7 summit. The meeting between Modi and Zelenskyy has been scheduled following a series of discussions between senior diplomats of India and Ukraine.
Upon arrival, Modi was received by senior Japanese and Indian officials at the airport. He was warmly welcomed by the Indian community when he reached his hotel. The prime minister also interacted with children and members of the Indian community.
Modi will be visiting Hiroshima from May 19 to 21 primarily for the annual summit of the G7 advanced economies where he is expected to speak on challenges facing the globe, including food, fertilizer, and energy security.