Over 100 modified silencers were seized and crushed by a roller at the City Police Commissionerate in Karimnagar on Thursday. The police launched a special drive against motorists, particularly youth who were found to be using these modified silencers. Commissioner L Subbarayudu warned the youngsters and their parents about the consequences of fitting these silencers to bikes, which included seizure of vehicles, court cases, and violation of the MV Act. He also emphasized the importance of adhering to rules regarding drunk driving and overloading of auto-rickshaws.
The CP instructed auto drivers to remove additional seats in their vehicles to prevent accidents. He warned that the police would forcibly remove these seats if the drivers failed to do so voluntarily. Additional DCPs M Bheem Rao and S Srinivas, ACPs C Prathap and G Vijaykumar, inspectors Tirumal and Nagarjuna Rao, and others were present during the drive.