Eatala Rajender, a BJP MLA from Huzurabad, denied reports of leaving the party. He met with Home Minister Amit Shah and other national leaders to discuss bringing the party to power in 2024 and winning 12 Lok Sabha seats in Telangana. Eatala said some media outlets are spreading false information about him intending to change the party. He believes the BJP is the only party with the strength to defeat BRS in Telangana. Eatala expressed confidence in the BJP and its potential leaders to win 119 assembly seats and 17 Parliament constituencies in the upcoming elections.
Eatala emphasized that he is not a leader who switches parties for power. He believes that his character, commitment, strength, and reputation are well-known among people. Komatireddy Rajagopal Reddy also confirmed that none of them are leaving the party and more people will be joining the BJP instead. Eatala believes leaders are not tradable goods and that Congress and BRS leaders are in touch with them. The BJP high command is committed to winning in Telangana and will prepare an action plan to move forward.
During a BC convclave, Eatala urged BCs to strongly resolve for due representation in political power, improve their lot, and serve the poor. He believes that currently, only the BJP is giving BCs such an opportunity.