Political strategist Prashant Kishor warned the Congress not to assume their victory in Karnataka’s assembly polls means they will perform well in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. He cautioned that despite winning in 2013, the Congress lost to the BJP in 2014 and also lost the 2019 Lok Sabha elections after winning three major states a year before. Kishor, who is recovering from a muscle tear, said the Congress should not forget their success in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh in 2018, which was followed by poor performance in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.
Kishor reminded everyone of the Samajwadi Party’s victory in Uttar Pradesh in 2012 and how two years later, the BJP-led NDA swept the state in the Lok Sabha elections, winning 73 out of 80 seats. Kishor has worked with leaders such as Narendra Modi, Nitish Kumar, Arvind Kejriwal, M K Stalin, and Jaganmohan Reddy.