Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the Telangana State BJP chief, has accused Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s government of jailing leaders and banning the media for questioning the government’s mistakes. He also claimed that the government is threatening leaders who speak out against it. Kumar said that people are ready to dislodge the current government in five months. He also challenged the CM to release whitepapers on department-wise development in the past nine years.
Kumar alleged that the government is trying to spend hundreds of crores to promote itself, while people in the State are facing numerous problems. He accused the government of being intolerant of the BJP’s growing popularity and trying to pressure some media outlets not to cover BJP activities. Kumar attended the final match of a sports event being held as part of Khelo Bharat-Jito Bhagyanagar in Nizam College Grounds. He said that the BJP has launched a nationwide programme to organise sports events to identify and encourage local sports talent in every parliament constituency represented by BJP MPs.
Kumar praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to increase the budgetary allocation to sports to more than Rs 3,000 crore as opposed to the mere Rs 460 crore allocated during the UPA tenure. He stated that there has been a marked change in how talent is searched for and identified in sports, art, and social service.
Kumar criticised CM KCR for increasing revenues on liquor sales and encouraging liquor consumption by reducing rates without considering the adverse effects on people. He also accused the government of neglecting other issues such as unemployment, farmers’ losses, and lack of housing.
Kumar reiterated his party’s promises to provide housing and free Medicare to the poor, compensate farmers for crop loss, and ensure clearing fee reimbursement without any obstacles. He responded to a question on BJP MLA Eatala Rajender meeting with party national leadership by saying that anyone can meet their party leaders. He also made an appeal to the high command on revoking the ban on Goshamahal MLA Raja Singh.