Congress MP Komatireddy Venkat Reddy spoke to the media in Nalgonda, stating that Congress’ victory in Karnataka was expected and will be repeated in Telangana. He criticized the state government for not conducting TSPSC exams, which has left many unemployed youth without a job. He also blamed the government for the deaths of students who were waiting for job recruitment.
Komatireddy Venkat Reddy accused BRS leaders and millers of colluding and cheating farmers by cutting 10 kg per quintal. He also criticized Gutha Sukhender Reddy for changing parties three times and asked if he would give his house located in Nalgonda if a property worth Rs 5,000 crore related to him was shown.
The Bhongir MP urged people to support Congress in the upcoming Assembly elections, stating that KCR has been given two chances and Congress should be given one chance as it gave Telangana. He expressed confidence that people are ready to support Congress this time and that victory is reflecting in people’s interactions.
Komatireddy Venkat Reddy also stated that there are no differences between leaders and they will tour together from village to village to bring the party to power in the state. He predicted that BRS leaders will fight with knives soon after KCR retires.