Energy Minister Jagadish Reddy visited the district library in Suryapet and talked to students who are preparing for job exams. The Minister announced that a new library with modern facilities will be built in Suryapet. He also said that students and youths coming to the district library for competitive examinations will be provided with snacks and lunch at their own expenses. He instructed officials to arrange coolers and other facilities to protect the students from the heat.
The Minister shared his personal experiences in the library from 1980 to 1985. He used the library to enhance his knowledge instead of focusing on jobs. He encouraged women to focus on self-employment and assured that necessary training will be arranged soon.
The Minister advised the students and youth that education is for employment and they should compete for government jobs. However, government jobs should not be their ultimate target. The Minister wished all the best to the young men and women who are preparing for the competitive exams.