The Mayor of Warangal, Gundu Sudharani, spoke at a meeting on Monday and said that the Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation (GWMC) has done well in the past two years. They have completed 60% of 4,270 proposed works with a budget of Rs 895 crore, including Pattana Pragathi, Smart City Mission, and special funds from the State Government. The remaining works are in progress. They have also focused on providing daily drinking water to 90% of residents and will spend Rs 10 crore on fixing leaks and replacing old pipelines. Additionally, they are spending Rs 150 crore to address flooding problems by desilting 33 nalahs. The meeting was attended by MLC BaswarajSaraiah, deputy mayor Rizwan Shameem Masood, Warangal district collector and in-charge municipal commissioner P Pravinya, and Corporators.
Mayor Gundu Sudharani states GWMC’s good performance in Warangal.
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