The chairman of Nizamabad’s Zilla Panchayat, Gari Vithal Rao, believes that the country’s development will happen only if local government is strengthened and given more power. Kailas Gore Patil, founder president of the Centre, appointed Rao as the state president of the Rastriya Zilla Panchayat Association and vice-president in the centre. To celebrate this appointment, IMA president Satish Shah, Secretary DrVishal, Executive Committee Members, Barasa Leaders Telangana Shankar, Shekhar Reddy, Shekhar Raj, Neelam Reddy, and Manohar Rao felicitated Rao on Monday.
Rao explained that the purpose of the association is to give local bodies more power and duties under the 72nd and 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act. He plans to hold a meeting in Delhi soon to discuss transferring 29 departments to local bodies.