Minister for Tribal Welfare Satyavathi Rathod, MLA Gandra Venkataramana Reddy, and district Collector Bhavesh Mishra released a book on millet recipes in Bhupalpally on Sunday. The State government has been promoting millet cultivation and consumption for healthy living. The minister inaugurated a millet processing unit in Chelpur village along with the local MLA. She praised the district administration for promoting millet cultivation under the Centre’s Aspirational Districts Programme.
The government has also introduced KCR Nutritional Kits worth Rs 2,000, which are aimed at improving the nutritional status of pregnant women, especially those who suffer from anaemia. Serving meals with millets can also help improve the health of students. The Department of Women Development and Child Welfare is working with the Union Ministry of Welfare of Women and Children to integrate millets into the Integrated Child Development Services.
The HDFC Bank has come forward to improve the standard of living of residents in 19 villages in the district with an outlay of Rs 8 crore under its Corporate Social Responsibility programme.
The minister inaugurated Sakhi Centre, One-Stop Crisis Centre for women seeking redressal of their grievances, in Bhupalpally town constructed at a cost of Rs 66 lakh. She also launched an ambulance service. ZP chairperson Jakku Sriharshini and district Collector Bhavesh Mishra were among others present.