Former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and TDP leader, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, spoke at the graduation ceremony of the Kautilya School of Public Policy in Hyderabad. He believes that public policy is the best way to bring about revolutionary change in society and that India will be a global leader by 2047 with the best policies in place. Naidu also expressed his confidence in the youth and their ability to create wonders if given the opportunity.
Naidu spoke about the power of public policy and how it has brought about radical changes in society. He praised the graduates for completing their post-graduation in Public Policy and expressed his satisfaction in addressing them. He believes that public policy is a powerful weapon and a helpful herald of sweeping changes in society.
The former AP CM noted that India had a difficult time after gaining independence, but reforms have helped the country move towards growth. He spoke about his own achievements as a CM of the combined State, saying that even if he loses elections, the results achieved with the policies he has adopted will stay forever.
Naidu also talked about his Vision-2020, which people initially made fun of, but he remained committed to it with high confidence. He cited Hyderabad as evidence that his vision had come true and that the results were right in front of everyone.
Naidu believes that economic disparities still exist in society and called on the graduates to bring in policies that consider families as a unit which would be of great help to all families. He emphasized the need for good leaders with vision and encouraged the graduates to work hard to introduce better policies as the prevailing situation in the country is very favorable for young people.