The District Collector, V P Gautham, visited Jagjivan Ram Nagar in Khammam city on Friday to check how GO 58 and 59 were being implemented. He said that people who have settled in government places should take advantage of the regularization process, which would allow them to stay there legally. He went to the houses of those who had applied under GO 59 but had not paid the required money and told them to pay the first installment immediately.
The Collector said that the government would distribute certificates to those who have been approved under GOs 58 and 59 by June 2, 2020. He also said that 3,253 applications under GO 58 and 2,559 under GO 59 have been approved in the district.
He urged people to take advantage of this opportunity and get legal rights over their occupied government places. Municipal Commissioner Adarsh Surabhi, RDO Ravindranath, Urban Tehsildar Shailaja and other officials were present during the inspection.