Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav opened new 2BHK homes at Muralidhar Bagh in Nampally under Goshamahal constituency. The GHMC built a multi-storey building with 120 flats costing Rs 10 crore on 0.59 acres of land. The flats are in three blocks and have a plinth area of 560 sq ft each costing Rs 8 lakh. The Muralidhar Bagh 2BHK Dignity Housing Colony has CC roads, electricity, drinking water sump, lift facility and ten shops. The money from the shops will go towards maintenance. Other guests included Home Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali, MLC MS Prabhakar, Goshamahal MLA T Raja Singh, and others.
Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav Launches 2BHK Homes in Goshamahal, Hyderabad
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