Badugula Lingaiah Yadav, a member of the Rajya Sabha, criticized A Revanth Reddy, the chief of the Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee, for his comments against Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav. Yadav demanded that Reddy apologize for insulting the Golla Kuruma community. He spoke to the media along with MLC Yegge Mallesham at the BRSLP office.
Yadav criticized Reddy for using caste-based arrogance to criticize his political opponents. He contrasted it with the Yadava community’s values of honesty, integrity, and harmonious relations with all other communities. Yadav added that Reddy’s involvement in the cash-for-vote scandal is well-known.
Yadav pointed out that while Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao supports weaker sections for their empowerment, Reddy was subjecting them to humiliation. He demanded an immediate apology from Reddy to the Golla Kurumas.
MLC Yegge Mallesham called Reddy a blackmailer and said that he lacked culture and ethics as he made casteist slurs against Srinivas Yadav, disregarding his seniority in politics. He also said that in future wherever Reddy contests elections, the Golla Kurumas would ensure his defeat.