The TPCC vice-president in Hyderabad, Chamala Kiran Kumar Reddy, criticized the State BJP president, Bandi Sanjay, for making nonsensical statements to gain attention from his Delhi bosses. Reddy also accused Sanjay of promoting terrorists and making Hyderabad a hub for them. He reminded Sanjay that the AIMIM (All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen) was only a Hyderabad-based party during the previous Congress rule, but now it has become a national party with the blessings of BJP and BRS. Reddy said that BJP has made AIMIM its B team for elections and supports its anti-national activities.
Furthermore, Reddy stated that BJP always brings up terror issues or Muslim/Pakistan related issues before elections. On one hand, they indirectly use Muslim political parties such as AIMIM for their benefit, and on the other hand, they project all Muslims as anti-nationals to polarize Hindu votes.