The new Chief Advisor of the Chief Minister of Hyderabad, Somesh Kumar, has been given the important job of managing the state government’s finances during an important election year. The government is struggling to find enough money to implement ongoing schemes and pay monthly salaries and pensions to beneficiaries. The Chief Minister has instructed Kumar to come up with a plan to manage existing funds and find additional money to meet requirements from this month. This is especially important as the state is already facing financial difficulties and cannot pay salaries on time.
Kumar has a lot of experience managing state finances, having been the former Chief Secretary of the state from 2019 until January of this year. He has also successfully met revenue requirements in the past and made important decisions to increase revenues and prevent mismanagement of funds at the district level. Going forward, Kumar will make proposals on increasing revenues and fund requirements every month and submit them to the Chief Minister for approval.
The Chief Advisor’s main task is to ensure that the government can run smoothly and implement all schemes without any financial problems until the elections are over. This is especially important as the state is bracing for assembly elections in October or November this year. The Chief Advisor will work closely with revenue-generating wings and finalize action plans to meet revenue targets. If things are not set in the right direction from May, the current financial situation may worsen.