The State BJP chief, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, criticized the BRS government for not taking action to stop Hyderabad from becoming a shelter zone for terror groups. He accused AIMIM of sheltering sympathizers of terrorists, citing the arrest of a HoD working in Deccan Medical College. Kumar also accused BRS and Congress of playing vote bank politics with AIMIM. He claimed that HUT is a more serious threat than ISIS, as it is known for using chemical and biological weapons in attacks. He accused the government of not taking internal security seriously and demanded that the CM conduct a review to identify those giving shelter to terrorists.
Kumar alleged that the Old City has become a shelter hub for Rohingyas and that the recent arrest of Mohammad Salim linked to HUT working in Deccan Medical College exposes AIMIM’s sympathies with such elements. He accused Majlis of sympathizing with alleged terrorists and claimed that BRS and Congress have been supporting AIMIM for votes. He expressed doubts that citizens of Pakistan and Bangladesh are staying in Hyderabad beyond expiry of their visas to run terror activities. Kumar accused the Home Minister and deputy CM of attending programs of Rohingyas and distributing Aadhaar and ration cards to illegally staying Rohingyas.
Kumar claimed that the HUT terrorist has made Ananta Giri Hills its training center and operating drones. He alleged that there is a new kind of Jihad to threaten young people from Hindu fold to convert and create violence by training them as terrorists. He accused the KCR government of governing the State blindly without bothering about any serious issue. He urged people to be on alert as there is a possibility of disturbing peace in Hyderabad. He demanded the CM to conduct a review to unearth those giving shelter and support terrorists in the city.