Two BRS leaders in Hyderabad have denied allegations by Union Minister G Kishan Reddy of irregularities in the leasing of the Outer Ring Road. The MLAs, D Sudheer Reddy and KP Vivekanand, stated that everything was transparent and that the bidding was done according to rules set by the Central government in the past. Four prominent organizations were shortlisted, and only the highest bidder was awarded the lease. The BRS leaders said they were ready for a CBI inquiry demanded by Kishan Reddy.
Vivekanand criticized the Congress and BJP parties for indulging in cheap criticism to get headlines in newspapers. He said there was nothing new in the Congress Youth Declaration and that the Congress party had also brought in a Farmers’ Declaration. He pointed out that people had forgotten the Farmers’ Declaration. The BRS leaders also spoke about the upcoming elections in Karnataka. They said that people in Karnataka were voting for Congress seeing a leader like Siddaramaiah, but the opposition party had no such leader in Telangana.
In conclusion, the BRS leaders denied any irregularities in the leasing of Outer Ring Road and said they were ready for a CBI inquiry. They criticized Congress and BJP parties for indulging in cheap criticism and spoke about the upcoming elections in Karnataka.