Leaders in Karnataka are using online platforms to continue reaching out to voters after outdoor campaigning ended for the state’s Assembly polls. Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a video message on Twitter to the people of Karnataka as part of these efforts. The state is set for a big fight on Wednesday, with both the BJP and Congress having conducted mega rallies in the run-up to the election. The Election Commission has been working to set up polling stations across the state’s 224 constituencies to hold voting in a single-phase. There have been last-minute controversies, with both major parties receiving notices from the EC ahead of the vote. A total of 2,615 candidates are contesting in the polls from all parties, including independents. The results will be announced on Saturday, with the BJP, Congress and JD(S) parties expected to be the main contenders.
Narendra Modi writes an open letter to the people of Karnataka in New Delhi
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