Former prime minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, was arrested by paramilitary Rangers on Tuesday for a corruption case when he appeared in court on anti-graft charges. His party, PTI, has released a pre-recorded video in which Imran Khan apparently predicted his arrest. In the video, he sought support from the people, saying that he has never broken the law and has gone against Pakistan’s constitution. Following his arrest, PTI workers staged protests in parts of the country and section 144 has been imposed in Islamabad amid a “riots-like situation”. Khan has been facing over 140 cases related to terrorism, blasphemy, murder, violence and inciting violence since his ouster through a no-trust vote in April last year. He has rejected all these cases as political victimisation by the ruling alliance.
“Did Imran Khan Anticipate His Arrest in a Pre-recorded Video? Warning of No Opportunity to Speak Again”
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