Priyanka Gandhi, a leader in the Indian National Congress, spoke at a public meeting in Hyderabad on Monday. During her speech, she released the Youth Declaration which contains five major promises to help the youth of India. The first promise is to provide a job to one person from each family of a martyr. The second promise is to give a pension of Rs 25,000 to one family member and recognize them as freedom fighters. The third promise is to fill two lakh jobs in the first year of coming to power and fill all backlog posts in SC, ST, BC and Minorities category. Additionally, the government will release a job calendar every year and give Rs 4,000 dole to unemployed youth.
The fourth promise is to strengthen the TSPSC like UPSC to fill vacancies in a transparent manner. The fifth promise is to make Telangana an unemployment free state by introducing a centralised online registration system for jobs, employment exchanges in the 7 zones, skill development centres and training classes in every district. The government will also reserve 75 per cent jobs to locals in the private industries and provide Rs 10 lakh interest-free loans to unemployed youth. A new act will be brought in to safeguard the interests of Gulf workers and create a system to protect them from falling prey to agents.
The sixth promise is to provide full fee reimbursement to the students of ST, SC, BC and minorities and waive Rs 4,000 crore old dues. The government will promote state universities as Integrated Universities and create new universities for Adilabad, Khammam and Medak. Additionally, four IIITs will be established and a sports academy like in the US will be created to promote rural youth talent.
The seventh promise is to establish two special universities in Hyderabad and Warangal to provide education free of cost from LKG to PG for children of employees of TSRTC and police. Finally, electric scooters will be provided to every college-going girl student.