Bureaucrat-turned politician RS Praveen Kumar may become Chief Minister of Telangana if BSP wins the election. BSP national president Mayawati announced this at a public meeting on Sunday. Praveen Kumar resigned from his job to serve Dalits and other marginalized people in politics, which Mayawati praised. She urged party members to work hard to bring BSP to power in Telangana.
Mayawati criticized Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for using Dr BR Ambedkar’s name in politics and asked him to stop. She also accused him of failing to help the people of all sections in the State, and mentioned how he failed to provide three acres of land to Dalits as he promised.
Mayawati said Ambedkar’s goals are still unfulfilled in India. She emphasized that SCs and STs should be given Constitutional rights and promised similar governance like that of UP, where the party provided reservations for SCs, STs, and minorities, if BSP comes to power in Telangana.
Mayawati claimed that KCR was afraid of BSP’s growing strength in Telangana and said that the party had played a role in the formation of Telangana. She also mentioned how Ambedkar suggested special rights for OBCs, which was furthered by the late party leader Kanshiram.
In conclusion, Mayawati urged party members to work hard and strengthen the party’s presence in Telangana.