CLP Leader Bhatti Vikramarka and DCC President Kumbam Anil Kumar Reddy went to Pochampally in Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district on Saturday as part of the People’s March Padayatra. They met with handloom workers and learned about their problems. Bhatti Vikramarka visited the house of weaver Vemula Shyam and watched the process of weaving sarees. He asked about the number of people who work and how long it takes to make a saree, as well as the incentives received from the government. Bhatti Vikramarka bought three sarees as a gift for party leader Priyanka Gandhi.
The Pochampally handwoven sarees will be presented to Priyanka Gandhi during an unemployment declaration meeting in Saroor Nagar on the 8th of this month. Bhatti Vikramarka also visited weaver Surapalli Ramu to see the ikkat sarees he had woven. Ramu mentioned that there was no subsidy or concession given to yarn for making sarees, and that the Congress government had previously given special subsidies without imposing any taxes. Ramu stated that weavers’ lives were better under Congress rule and that he would support the party in the next elections.
Bhatti Vikramarka also spoke to Bharatamma, who sold coconuts, and asked if she had received a government house. She expressed her grief that she did not have a house and that her son, who was educated at home, was unemployed. She supported her family with the money she earned from selling coconuts and asked for Bhatti Vikramarka’s help.