Over 72% of students in Andhra Pradesh passed their Class 10 exams, which were held from April 3 to April 18. The results were announced by the Minister for Education, Botsa Satyanarayana. The overall passing percentage was 5% higher than last year, at 72.26%. Girls outperformed boys, with a 75.38% pass rate compared to 69.27% for boys. The minister said that 6,05,052 candidates took the exams, including 3,09,245 boys and 2,95,807 girls.
Of the schools, 933 recorded a 100% pass rate, while 38 schools had a zero pass rate. Parvathipuram Manyam district had an 87.47% pass rate, while Nandyal district had a 60.39% pass rate. Residential schools in Andhra Pradesh registered a 95.25% pass rate.
Results have been uploaded to the SSC Board website. For those who failed the exam, advanced supplementary exams will be conducted from June 2 to June 10. Students must apply before May 17 and pay the exam fee by May 22 with a penalty of Rs.50. For recounting and re-verification of answer sheets, students must pay a fee by May 13.
The government has decided to conduct special classes for students who failed the exam and has identified some schools in every district for this purpose.