The IT Park in Palamuru was inaugurated on Saturday by K Taraka Rama Rao, who is the Minister for IT, Industries and MAUD. This park covers an area of 400 acres and is a very prestigious project. The Lithium ion battery manufacturing park by Amar Raja company near Divitypally village in Mahabubnagar was also given foundation stone by the minister during the inauguration ceremony.
Additionally, KTR also inaugurated a 100 feet approach road from NH 44 to the IT park. He also inaugurated various Junction beautification works at Ambedkar Chowk, One Town junction and near Boys Jr College junction in the district. During his speech at the meeting, the IT and MAUD minister praised the hard work of Excise minister Dr. V. Srinivas Goud for his efforts in transforming the lives of people in Palamuru region.
KTR also reminded everyone that KCR, who had won as MP from Mahabubnagar and achieved new state of Telangana, has special love for the people of this land. Soon after the inauguration of new Dr BR Ambedkar secretariat, the chief minister had taken the first review on Palamuru Ranga Reddy project.