Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the BJP State president, has invited former Khammam MP Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy to join the BJP. Kumar called on all those who oppose KCR’s dictatorial rule and want to protect democracy to join the BJP. He expressed his solidarity with Junior Panchayat Raj secretaries who have been on strike in front of the district collector’s office in Karimnagar for the last 7 days.
Kumar rejected the news that he had a rift with MLAs Etala Rajender and M Raghunandan Rao, and said that “no matter how many questions the media asks, no matter how many differences the media wants to create, it will not be fulfilled. We are all one. We all have the same goal.”
Kumar stated that their mission is to oust the KCR government and establish Ram Rajya under the leadership of BJP. As a part of that, party leaders including Rajender are inviting leaders from other parties to join the BJP. Kumar expressed that voting for Congress is like voting for BRS and all those who won from Congress will go back to BJP. He said that people are totally against BRS rule.
Kumar said that those who like BJP ideologies and Modi’s policies and want to join BJP will be invited to do so. The party is not waiting for someone to come, as it is a powerful party. People want change, and they believe that BJP is the only party with guts and courage to stop BRS.
Regarding Rajender’s lunch meeting with Srinivasa Reddy, Kumar said he had missed his phone and hence had no information about the meeting. He also commented that it is not wrong not to tell him about the MLAs meeting with the ex-MP and that everyone will do their own work. Rajender will talk to those who know him, and he will talk to those who know him.